Dental Crowns—Houston, TX

Improve the Health & Function of Damaged Teeth

Cracked, misshapen, and decayed teeth all require a little extra support and strength in order to sustain the daily wear-and-tear that they’ll face. At Hiner Family Dentistry, we strive to preserve our patients’ natural-looking, beautiful smiles by providing durable, high-quality dental crowns crafted from materials that can mimic tooth enamel, like zirconia and porcelain. If you’re experiencing dental sensitivity or any other symptoms that may require emergency attention, please contact our office as soon as possible so we can see you the same day.

Why Choose Hiner Family Dentistry for Dental Crowns?

  • Durable, High-Quality Dental Materials Used
  • Natural-Looking Zirconia & Porcelain Crowns
  • Same-Day Emergency Dental Appointments

What is a Dental Crown?

a dental patient smiling and giving a thumbs up

Dental crowns are cap-like restorations designed to fit over the biting surface of teeth. They can be made from a variety of materials and are often recommended to protect, conceal, and strengthen teeth that have been treated in the past or severely misshapen. We create our crowns from materials that are able to mimic your natural tooth’s appearance, while providing extreme durability that preserves your dental structure for years to come. These include zirconia, porcelain, and ceramic.

Once a crown is cemented onto the tooth in question, you likely won’t be able to notice which one of your pearly whites has been treated and restored, because it will look identical to the ones surrounding it!

The Process of Getting a Dental Crown

a digital impression scanner in a dental office

Typically, getting dental crowns takes place over the course of two appointments with our team. After examining your mouth, collecting X-rays, and diagnosing and treating any imminent oral health issues, we’ll be ready to prepare your tooth for a restoration.

First, we’ll prepare your tooth by removing a very small amount of enamel from it. This will accommodate the thickness of your crown, allowing it to lay flush with your surrounding teeth. We’ll then capture an impression of your tooth using our precise, advanced digital impression system. This process only takes a moment and allows us to create a detailed digital scan of your mouth that we can send off to our dental laboratory to craft your restoration. Before you leave our office, we’ll fashion a temporary restoration to place over your prepared tooth until your permanent one arrives.

As soon as we receive your final crown from our laboratory, we’ll have you come back in to ensure it fits properly and is the right shade. Once it passes our quality check, we’ll remove your temporary and secure the permanent one in its place.

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

a smiling woman sitting on a sailboat

While getting a dental crown may seem daunting, it will offer several benefits to both the appearance and health of your smile, including:

  • Protection for your tooth. Once the crown is placed, it will cover and protect your damaged tooth, preventing worsening infections and decay and minimizing the need for more invasive treatments down the road.
  • Beautifying your grin. Your natural-looking dental crown will be discreet and blend in with the rest of your teeth.
  • Improved comfort. Your dental crown will add an additional protective layer to your tooth, minimizing any sensitivity or pain you may feel if it wasn’t there.
  • Long lifespan. Our dental crowns are made from lasting materials that can withstand 15 years or more of use with the proper maintenance.